A breif game report

Posted: Jun 21, 2010 by Madclaw in

This past weekend I had the opportunity to play a game of 40k with John Jordan. We set points at 1850 and choose our forces. I was expecting John to play Blood Angels and man I was surprised by him playing Deamon Hunters. I choose a force from my Necrons. Well, honestly it wasn’t much of a choice. The ‘Crons are down stairs next to the table and their lists are in the case with them.

The game was pretty straight forward; we played the COB’s Threebie. I took some heavy loses to my Destroyers but did my best to return the favor. I wiped out Captain Stern and his terminator bodyguard. One unit of Necrons Warriors really took the brunt of the damage throughout the game, but in the end nine of them still were on the table at the end of game.

At the end of the game I had lost five out of six Destroyers, eight out of forty-five Necron Warriors, three of three Wraiths, one out three Tomb Spyders and my Necron Lord. I held two of three objectives and achieved one of the Objectives of Opportunity to score a forty-one to twenty-one victory over John.

I was an excellent game and I was convinced I was going to lose and was total surprised to achieve the victory. Regards John, great game and you’ve earned the invited back to Thunder Dome.